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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber with Eggshell Powder and Epoxy ResinReinforcement


M. Manivannan, K. Sundara Vinayagam, K. Muthukumaran, V. Pugazhenthi


The mandatory solution our environment seeks is, for global warming. Global warming is in existence due to the emission from artificial products and also the effluents from the companies that are manufacturing and processing the raw materials of the artificial products. It also causes hazardous health effects to the society sometimes that even scares the life’s of the living community. In this stream artificial fibers are playing the major impact in the industries because of its strength. Even though it has good mechanical properties it is not much advisable to use in our routine life. But, the strength of the natural fibers can be increased by reinforcing the filler material & resins. Reinforcing the jute fiber with epoxy resin &eggshell powder in varying composition will support for the mechanical strength of the jute fiber. By varying the percentage of eggshell powder from 0% to 10% with reinforcement of the jute fiber the mechanical strength is to be tested.



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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber with Eggshell Powder and Epoxy ResinReinforcement. M. Manivannan, K. Sundara Vinayagam, K. Muthukumaran, V. Pugazhenthi. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 3. Pages 305-310.

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