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Volume 11

Issue 1

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Why Us ?

  • Open Access
  • Peer Reviewed
  • Submission in Indexing Repositories
  • Social Media Promotion
  • More Citations
  • Search Engine Friendly


Open Access

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Research papers published in IJIRCT are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


IJIRCT - International Journal of Innovative Research and Creative Technology - is a peer reviewed international open access online scholarly journal publishing innovative and creative technological research.

The journal was started in 2015 with an aim to provide an easy, open and affordable platform for the whole global community of researchers, engineers, students, developers etc. to publish and share their innovative and creative research work related to various engineering disciplines. We are determined to provide our services with the same basic aims while also always improving our services, infrastructure, reach and scope.

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Here are the reasons which drive the researchers, engineers, students, developers to publish their research in IJIRCT:

Easy Paper Submission Process

IJIRCT gives freedom to all authors to concentrate on research work rather than difficult submission process. Presence of large numbers of ifs and buts in paper submission process of other journals require lots of unnecessary efforts of authors.


Authors can submit their manuscript online hassle free, and receive acknowledgement for their submission immediately. From submission to publication, all the steps are transparent. Fees are also transparent, there is no hidden charges.

Review Process

We have adopted double-blind peer review process, so review from our reviewers be unbiased.

Prestigious Editorial Board

Our editorial board is diverse, both in case of world region and knowledge. The board has people having many achievements, many years of experience and strong knowledge base in their respective fields.

Open Access Journal

Open Access publication means that manuscripts published in the journal are available online / on the internet to everyone on the planet. The open access nature of the manuscripts publication generates more citations too.

Publication Cost

As the IJIRCT is an open access journal, we don't get fees of subscriptions. There are various expenses in keeping the journal / website running, so it is necessary to ask to the research paper authors to pay publication fee. The fee is kept as affordable, competitive and reasonable as possible.

Paper Publication Certificate

Authors are provided free soft copy of certificate of publication as soon as their research paper is published. They can order hard copy of the certificate too to their desired location by making appropriate payment.

Papers' Visibility

IJIRCT is a search engine friendly journal. The published papers are automatically indexed by various search engines and repositories. We are manually submitting the published papers also to some repositories where automatic indexing is not possible / supported.

Journal's Scope

IJIRCT is a multidisciplinary scholarly journal. Research publication includes areas of Engineering, Management, Biological Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Education and other Scientific fields.

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