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ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance - A Comprehensive Guide to ESG and its Role in Sustainability


Ashok Kumar Kalyanam


Environmental, social, and governance are criteria referring to the measurements and exposure concerning the integration of sustainability and ethics into the operations and decisions of organizations. ESG has become so vital in driving sustainability through reduced impacts on the environment, social equity, and best practices in governance. The following comprehensive guide goes back to the beginning of the ESG concept, its evolution, and massive influences in many sectors. The paper identifies the IoT acting as a transformative technology within ESG, thus enabling resource management efficiently, real-time monitoring, and informed decision-making. The various pillars of ESG comprise Environmental, Social, and Governance, which are explained with practical examples, together with their global implications and benefits. The guide further enumerates some of the potential solutions to ESG challenges, its applicability across sectors like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and energy, and its critical role in fostering sustainable development.


ESG, Environmental, Social, and Governance; Sustainability; IoT in ESG; Environmental Impact, Social Equity, Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development, Evolution of ESG, Real-time Monitoring, Ethical Practices.


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ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance - A Comprehensive Guide to ESG and its Role in Sustainability. Ashok Kumar Kalyanam. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 4. Pages 1-12.

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