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Study the Impact of Thickness on Electrical Properties of Spin Coated CuO Thin Films


K. B. Bhamare, A. N. Ahirrao


Copper oxide (CuO) thin films are gaining significant attention in various technological applications due to their distinctive electrical properties. As a p-type semiconductor with a narrow bandgap, CuO is particularly valuable in the development of electronic devices such as transistors, diodes, and sensors. In this study, we investigate the influence of film thickness on the electrical properties of spin-coated CuO thin films. Thin films were prepared using a spin coating technique on glass substrates, with thicknesses ranging from 53 nm to 64 nm. The thickness of films was measured by low cost weight difference method. The electrical properties such as resistivity, activation energy and TCR were evaluated using a half bride technique. Obtained results reveal a systematic decrease in resistivity with increasing film thickness. This study underscores the vital role of film thickness in modulating the electrical behavior of CuO thin films, highlighting their potential for applications in electronic devices and sensors.


Copper oxide, thin films, glass substrates, thicknesses, weight difference method.


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Study the Impact of Thickness on Electrical Properties of Spin Coated CuO Thin Films. K. B. Bhamare, A. N. Ahirrao. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 5. Pages 1-8.

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