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Integrating predictive analytics and computational statistics for cardiovascular health decision-making


Siddhartha Nuthakki, Vinoth Kumar Kolluru, Yudhisthir Nuthakki, Sonika Koganti


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continue to be the primary cause of morbidity and death. Several machine learning techniques are used to build a model for predicting the occurrence of heart disease. This study set out to determine how predictive analytics and computational statistics may work together to transform cardiovascular health decision-making by providing new perspectives on risk assessment, individualized treatment, and resource management. Regardless of language restrictions, each work of published literature from its release in 2015 until April 2023 was carefully reviewed in various kinds of electronic databases. Out of the 32 publications that were found during the search, 12 were included in the systematic literature. The results of the study showed that the ratio of heart disease deaths has decreased when these computerized learning-based expert medical decision-making systems were implemented. For nations dealing with a physician shortage and an overburdened healthcare system, machine learning presents a great potential. It is crucial to medicine because it can identify patterns in large data sets and make it easier to identify diagnostic markers linked to risk or illness. Based on analysis, it has been shown that no one data mining approach or classifier can consistently yield the best results for all types of healthcare data. Anatomic models specific to each patient are created using 3D imaging methods like CT and MRI to study circulation in the human cardiovascular system. Unlike the anatomic model, the patient-specific physiologic model is an abstract model that is based on the equations regulating blood flow in arteries and unique to the patient's diagnostic data, particularly blood circulation and pressure measurements.



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Integrating predictive analytics and computational statistics for cardiovascular health decision-making. Siddhartha Nuthakki, Vinoth Kumar Kolluru, Yudhisthir Nuthakki, Sonika Koganti. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-12.

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