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DC-DC Boost Converters - A Literature Review


Sheeba S.


In recent years, as a consequence of fast paced populace and industrialization, we can see a steady increase in the energy performance in all the fields. But the warehouse of energy resources such as fossil fuels etc are getting lesser and lesser. These energy resources are safer to use and are non-renewable. The consumption of fossil fuel has certain disadvantage that by its dissipation greenhouse wastes are collected in the atmosphere which is the major cause of global warming and climatic alterations. In this scenario renewable resources like solar cells, fuel cells, wave energy and tidal energy are becoming more acceptable alternate energy sources in distribution system. The hazard of collapse of fossil fuels can be conquered to a great extent as the renewable energy source can be taken as an alternate because it is available in excessive in nature. But the voltage delivered by such renewable energy sources are unstable and very low to be utilised for commercial purposes. So they are combined with high gain dc-dc converters to get a high output voltage. The high output voltage obtained from the dc-dc converter is then assembled to the inverter for high ac power production.


Voltage Multiplier Cell, Interleaved Boost Converter, coupled inductor, Switched capacitor


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DC-DC Boost Converters - A Literature Review. Sheeba S.. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 5. Pages 1-7.

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