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Experiment of rolling friction characteristic of organic fertilizer particle based on high-speed photography


Dr. S.K. Mishra


The physical properties of organic fertilizer particle, including the dimension feature, density, Poisson’s rate, shear modulus, coefficient of restitution, coefficient of static fraction, and coefficient of rolling fraction are vital to the design of the drum and the simulation of its working process. There have been many relative studies on them, but no mature theory and accurate method to measure the coefficient of rolling friction has been developed. Only one method based on the principle of conservation of energy gave some enlightenment on the way to achieve it.
The experimental materials included several selected organic fertilizer particle, an angle adjustable frame of rail, and two rails which were made of steel, and organic fertilizer particle respectively.
The frame rate used in the experiment was 1000 fps. According to the results of the experiment, the coefficient of rolling friction of different moisture content organic fertilizer particle against steel, and organic fertilizer particle are known as y = 0.0004????2 − 0.0014???? + 0.0246 ???? 2 = 0.9998 , y = 0.0004????2 − 0.001???? + 0.1521 ???? 2 = 0.9983 respectively. The data measured can be used for design drum and simulation analysis.


organic fertilizer particle, experiments, friction, high-speed photography


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Experiment of rolling friction characteristic of organic fertilizer particle based on high-speed photography. Dr. S.K. Mishra. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 1. Pages 1-7.

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