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Vehicle Speed Reduction System




A very big problem facing by the big-big cities are traffic control, vehicle safety and safety for passengers. Most of the vehicles get accident because no proper safety measures are taken especially at curves and hair pin bends humps and any obstacles in front of the vehicle. In this system we can be used for the prevention of such problems by indicating a pre indication and also reducing the speed of vehicles by reducing the fuel rate of vehicle. As the action is in terms of fuel rate so the vehicle automatically goes to control and avoids the accidents.
In the curves the line of sight is not possible for the drivers the special kind of transmitter which is tuned at some frequency are mounted as these transmitters continuously radiate a RF signal for some particular area. As the vehicle come within this radiation the receiver in the vehicle gets activate. The arrangement at vehicle side is master receiver, which receives the RF signal when the transmitter frequency is interacting. The transmitter sends an encoded signal to the master receiver placed in the vehicle and receiver decodes it and it is interfaced with 89C51 microcontroller.
The same kind of method is implemented for the detection of humps and any obstacle on the roads with the help of IR LED and photo diode technique, the vehicle can be further avoided with accidents by alerting driver when the driver feels drowsiness during long driving or night driving. The road steep edge detection can be done with the help of same technique, photo diode will be placed in the vehicle and IR LED’s at the edge of the roads. Some other important functions also controlled automatically by our speed reduction system, some of them are headlight control during night time and horn enable and disable in public areas like schools or colleges. We are using here the solar panels which generate a electrical energy from natural resources like solar light.


89C51 microcontroller, transmitter, Receiver, control, frequency, Ir LED.


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Vehicle Speed Reduction System. VEENA P.N, LOHIT BANAKAR. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 6. Pages 169-175.

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