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Effect Of Leachate On Index Properties Of Soil


Gourishankar B B, Prof.M.D. Khaja Moinuddin


Leachate is liquid waste produced from domestic households or industrial waste products. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the main origin of leachate in urban areas. Soil pollution caused due to dumping of municipal solid waste at dump yards directly on surface of land. In India cities are very densely populated hence it becomes very tough to manage municipal solid waste. It becomes quite challenging because of increasing industrialization as well as increasing modernization. Unscientific disposal of MSW on land leads to soil pollution which results in loss of strength of soil. Here in my project work an attempt is made to understand the pollutants present in MSW which will harm the physical properties and chemical properties of soil. Precipitation which infiltrates by MSW leach all the constituents from decomposed waste mass and while going down causes subsurface soil to polluted by organic as well as inorganic salts.
In this study the geotechnical parameters of leachate affected soil are studied in detail and are compared with different types of soil. In the same time chemical properties of the same soil are analyzed and results are delivered. Leachate was collected from MSW dump yard of Bidar which is located near Sultanpur village. Geotechnical parameters like Free Swelling Index, Grain Size Analysis, Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Plasticity index, California Bearing Ratio, and Shear strength of leachate affected soil are determined and are compared with the results of that of uncontaminated soil sample of different type of soils. Chemical properties of leachate i.e Biochemical Oxygen Demand, COD, PH, Magnesium hardness, Zinc, Chloride, Iron, etc are determined.
The project comprises of comparative analysis of three different soil samples in order to bring out the contrast in the change in properties of the affected soil. Vast research is being done in the field of environmental science to counter the problem of leachate and to treat the affected soil. As it is known that leachate is not any special structured chemical compound nor it is a highly reactive nuclear waste, it is just liquid which through the leaching action collects all the ingredients presents in that layer it passes by. It is a naturally occurring liquid which is so reactive that it can completely deteriorate the soil and make it barren. Leachate affected soil is stabilized with the Rice Husk to improve its strength properties.


leachate,rice husk,laterite soil,CBR,compaction,liquid limit.


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Effect Of Leachate On Index Properties Of Soil. Gourishankar B B, Prof.M.D. Khaja Moinuddin. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 1. Pages 44-50.

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