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Impact Of Capital Market On Nigeria's Economic Growth


Alhaji Umar Lawal Aliyu


This research is on the impact of the Nigerian capital market on the Nigerian economy. The study seeks to determine the trend of capital market over the years, examine the relationship between capital market and economic growth, and to proffer recommendations based on the research findings. Therefore, the thesis critically reviewed capital market, performance of the Nigerian Capital Market and Nigeria economic growth. Nigeria stock exchange was incorporated in 1960 and it became operational in 1961 as the Lagos Stock Exchange. It was created as a non-profit organization and stocks/share and bonds are bought and sold at the Lagos Stock Exchange. The stock exchange is a market through which stocks/share and bonds are bought/sold. A company must be listed in the stock exchange before it will be allowed to trade in the market and certain listening requirements are to be met. One of many reasons for poor performance of the markets is because many companies are not quoted on the stock exchange market. For more than 40 years of operation the market have make some successful achievement but also have some shortcomings due to reasons such as ignorance on the part of the market, inadequate facilities; low level of technology etc. However, some findings and recommendations are given in the study that will help the authority and government to improve the operation of the Nigerian Stock Exchange so that it meets international standard by overcoming the current impediment faced by the Stock Exchange Market.


Bonds, Capital Market, Economic Growth, Economic Development, Foreign Savings, Primary Market, Secondary Market, Stock Exchange


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Impact Of Capital Market On Nigeria's Economic Growth. Alhaji Umar Lawal Aliyu. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 1. Pages 29-36.

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