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Role of India Post Payments Bank Ltd in Financial Inclusion - A Case Study


R. Chandra Shekar, Sanjay Kumar P


As per the World Bank Report, India is considered to be one of the most developing economies of the world with being adaptable to the changes in various crucial sectors including Banking and Finance. But the flip side of the coin is that, still majority of Indian Diaspora are yet to experience the banking and financial services as per their convenience and requirement. Regardless of location, income, status, education etc. everyone must have the access to the legitimate financial services and transaction. This calls for a clear registration and understanding of the benefits there from the individual as well as to the nation at large for the development of a sustainable economy. Banks play a crucial role in this effort called Financial Inclusion. India Post the only postal service provider to the nation has certain advantages of being functioning as the payments bank compared to the banks providing banking services. Recently, the Government of India has incorporated The India Posts Payments Bank Ltd to provide a platform for better access for financial inclusion. In the present paper, the author has tried to present a critical analysis and evaluation of financial inclusion by taking the role of India Post Payments Bank Ltd. as a case study.


Financial Inclusion, Inclusix, Financial Interface, Unified Payments Interface


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Role of India Post Payments Bank Ltd in Financial Inclusion - A Case Study. R. Chandra Shekar, Sanjay Kumar P. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 5. Pages 1-4.

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