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A Study On The Water Quality Of Kondakarla Awa Lake, Visakhapatnam - Andhra Pradesh


Pericherla Sravani


This Wetlands provides a rich biodiversity which is of a great social, economic, and cultural values for communities, regardless of their importance and values wetlands are under constant threat in the form of modification or reclamation along with the unsustainable usage, Kondakarla Awa is one such wetland system in Andhra Pradesh reporting a constant deterioration in its ecological parameters , present study focused on the assessment of the Physico chemical parameters of the water in Kondakarla Awa Lake using the standard analytical methods as recommended by APHA for two seasons. Results revelled the impact of anthropogenic activities on the quality of the aquatic ecosystem of the kondakarla Awa lake, which ultimately effecting the diversified flora & fauna of the lake and subsistence livelihood of the people around kondakarla awa lake.


Wetlands, Physico Chemical analysis, Ecosystem, Livelihood.


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A Study On The Water Quality Of Kondakarla Awa Lake, Visakhapatnam - Andhra Pradesh. Pericherla Sravani . 2017. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 6. Pages 223-225.

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