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Identify Employee Performance Evaluation


Borse Bhushan Dilip, Borse Vikas Sunil , Patil Pradnya Ghanshyam, Swapnali Deelip Baviskar


At present scenario performance evaluation of employee in industries is done manually, in which there are excess chances of mistakes. It is observed that manual employee evaluation system can not be efficiently analyzed performance of employee and also consumes more time. Hence, manual mistakes wipes out the integrity of the performance evaluation system. Therefore, there is need to analyzed employee performance evaluation by automated system.The experimental evaluation depict the result that the proposed system evaluates the performance of employee efficiently and shows a performance improvement. The mathematical evaluation shows that correct evaluation of employee by the system effectively reskilling employee in favor of industry. Thus the proposed system effectively and efficiently automates the employee evaluation .


Employees, industry, performance evaluation.


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Identify Employee Performance Evaluation. Borse Bhushan Dilip, Borse Vikas Sunil , Patil Pradnya Ghanshyam, Swapnali Deelip Baviskar. 2017. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 6. Pages 197-200.

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