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Assessment Of Job Performance Of Field Extension Workers South Eastern Zone Nigeria


Nwogu, C. N, Obinne, C.P.O


Purposive, stratified and convenience sampling technique was used to select 132 extension agents to ascertain the level of job performance in the South Eastern Nigeria. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and analysed using frequency distribution, percentages, means and Logit Regression Model. The results show that majority of the extension agents were males (55.6%) with mean age of 45.7 years and married (93.7). 60.3% of the extension agents had degree/HND as their educational qualification and a mean of 16.7 years of working experience. The result revealed that the extension agents performed best in organisation of Forth-Nightly Trainings (1.98), followed by establishment of Small Plot Adoption Techniques (1.94) and organisation of block extension meetings (1.91). The logit regression showed that education (-3.314) had negative effect on job performance whereas income (0.000) had positive significant effect. It was concluded that the extension agents performed better in areas been monitored. It was recommended that the extension agents be given necessary motivation so they can perform their duties effectively


Assessment, Job performance, Extension agents, Nigeria


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Assessment Of Job Performance Of Field Extension Workers South Eastern Zone Nigeria. Nwogu, C. N, Obinne, C.P.O. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 2. Pages 47-50.

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