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Simulation Of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Using Nafion Membranes


Shubham Singh, S. Vivek, Tejaswi Raj Gupta, Nipu Baishya, Akash Kumar, B. Jothithirumal


In this world of globalization and fantasy, everything starts with the power & finishes with it. So in order to fulfill this hunger of power, fuel cells are the best energy source with negligible fuel cost & without any harmful emission. The fuel cell simulated on this paper is Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). The simulation was done by varying different parameters (as membrane thickness, velocity at anode and cathode) and different materials (n-1110, n-115, n-117, n-HP), and it is observed that Nafion-HP is showing better results among all the other n-based membrane materials considering the low average total loss with low concentrated polarization, accordingly the negligible cell voltage drop and the high cathode water concentration.


Fuel Cell, Simulation, PEM, Nafion, Polarization


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Simulation Of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Using Nafion Membranes. Shubham Singh, S. Vivek, Tejaswi Raj Gupta, Nipu Baishya, Akash Kumar, B. Jothithirumal. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 1. Pages 11-15.

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