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Effective Pattern Discovery for Text Mining By Pattern Deploying and Pattern Evolving


Shaikh Rijwan, Ankush Vyavhare, Mane Nandkumar, P.S.Patil


ext Mining is one of technique of data mining to discover or extract useful information from textual data. The textual data is in unstructured format by using text mining we can organize this unstructured data into structure data. Text mining is used to extract the effective patterns from large amount of text data. The paper focuses on developing effective algorithm for discovering patterns from large documents. Since most existing text mining method based on term-based method, but they faces some problems. For overcome this problem pattern-based approach is used paper focus on developing effective pattern discovery technique which support process of pattern deploying and pattern evolving .It used to improve effectiveness of discovering interesting patterns


Text mining; text classification; pattern mining; pattern evolving; information filtering; pattern taxonomy; sequential patterns; closed patterns


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Effective Pattern Discovery for Text Mining By Pattern Deploying and Pattern Evolving. Shaikh Rijwan, Ankush Vyavhare, Mane Nandkumar, P.S.Patil. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 5. Pages 464-467.

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