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Analysis Of Tweets For Popularity Detection Of Television Media In Business Intelligence


Dhananjay C. Dandapat, Narendra P. Chaudhary, Sachin C. Chavan, Vaibhav D. Ghare


In today’s world Social media plays a key role in recording our day to day life responses. Twitter- A social platform serves as a rich source of information for the responses of audiences to any Events broadcasted on television media. Here in this case we propose a system which analyzes particular TV show based on its available #hashtag, extract the tweets classify them as Positive or negative based on their nature, assign scores and display the graphical representation of these scores which serves as a data of greater importance for Business Intelligence. Here we study and implement concept of sentiment analysis to the proposed system, to classify extracted tweets as positive, negative and neutral


Tweets, Business Intelligence, Extraction, Processing, Classification, Clustering, Positive count, Negative count, Graph, Sentimental analysis, social media


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Analysis Of Tweets For Popularity Detection Of Television Media In Business Intelligence. Dhananjay C. Dandapat, Narendra P. Chaudhary, Sachin C. Chavan, Vaibhav D. Ghare. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 4. Pages 405-407.

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