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The Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network monitoring and control system based on Zig-bee


MD Rasheeduddin, G.Ansar Ali


Abstract- The population of the elderly people is in a steady rise throughout the world, creating the need to increase the facilities for the care of the elderly. If they prefer to live alone they do however require constant monitoring so that medical help can be provided immediately in times of dire needs. In the Present Project, implementing the Task of Monitoring Using Sensors like Temperature sensor, smoke detector sensor, Heart beat Sensor and controlling through wireless Sensor Network. Designed a System for Patient Monitoring and controlling system, acquiring data from the sensors to PC through Zig bee. With the Corresponding information received form controlling devices through wireless communication called Zig-bee by sending some commands through PC to ARM Processor. Based on those commands the corresponding controlling will be done.


Patient Monitoring and controlling system


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The Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network monitoring and control system based on Zig-bee. MD Rasheeduddin, G.Ansar Ali. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 4. Pages 399-401.

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