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The Plight of Rag-pickers at Dump yard Socio - Economic Profile (A Case Study of Visakhapatnam)


G Siva Praveena, Ch. Durga Prasad, P.V.V.Prasada Rao


Abstract- The unabated population growth and enhanced living standards has encouraged the informal sector of waste collection (rag-pickers) towards the segregation of recyclables from MSW as a source of income generation. Proliferating municipal solid waste and high unemployment are the prime reasons behind the growth of this rag-picking population. There are no estimates of the number of people involved in this unhygienic and intensive work. Rag-pickers are people belonging to the highly vulnerable section exploited both by the fate and the society. Trapped in debts, illiteracy, and lack of skill force these poverty stricken people to pick up this profession. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) segregation and management has become a critical issue for almost all metropolitan cities worldwide. Though constitutionally, solid waste management is one of the basic amenities that are to be provided by the municipal corporations in India, due to various reasons it is poorly addressed. Undoubtedly the three R concept would solve much of the disposal problem, yet the segregation, transportation and management is going through a critical phase due to unavailability of infrastructure. The present paper is an attempt to focus on the vulnerability, socio-economic status and the health ailments of the rag-pickers at the dumpyard. The study was carried out in Greater Visakhapatnam city of Andhra Pradesh one among the industrial cities which is advancing towards a smart city.


MSW, rag-pickers, unorganised sector, socio-economic issues, health ailments etc;


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The Plight of Rag-pickers at Dump yard Socio - Economic Profile (A Case Study of Visakhapatnam). G Siva Praveena, Ch. Durga Prasad, P.V.V.Prasada Rao. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 4. Pages 374-378.

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