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Performance and Emission Analysis of an Unmodified Four Stroke Diesel Engine Operating with Extracted Mahua Longifolia Biodiesel and Its Blends


M.Muthuraj , S.Mayakannan, V.Rajesh, V.Jeeva Bharathi, R.Girimurugan


The increased demand for renewable energy sources and developing countries like India’s need to secure its energy supply has spurred interest in development of bio fuel production whereas the exhaust emission of the biodiesel is deteriorating the environment also. The aim of the research is analyze the emission characteristics of Mahua Longofolia oil and its blends. Mahua Longofolia butyl ester is derived through transesterification process. A single cylinder, water cooled, four stroke diesel engine was used for this work. The following fuels were tested such as diesel, B10, B20, B30, and observe the exhaust emission characteristics in terms of concentration of NOX, CO, HC, particulate matter and smoke density. Observe results of diesel, Mahua Longofolia oil butyl esters and their blends with diesel by volume were compared. As load applied to the engine increases brake thermal efficiency of the fuel blends also increases. The maximum brake thermal efficiency is 32.47% for B30 at full load, which is 4.2% higher than standard diesel. As the load increases specific fuel consumption of the engine decreases gradually. At full
load conditions the specific fuel consumption for the blends B20 and B30 is 0.363 kg/ kWh, 0.355 kg/ kWh respectively whereas for standard diesel it is 0.38 kg/ kWh. As load applied increases exhaust gas temperature get decreased. Lower calorific value of the blended fuel than standard diesel and lower temperature at the end of compression leads to reduction in exhaust gas temperature. As load increases mechanical efficiency of the blended fuel shows steady increase. At full load condition the maximum mechanical efficiency obtained from blend B10 and B20 is 61.7% and 58.96 % respectively. From the analysis of exhaust emission of the blends, it has found that at higher load condition B30 blends having higher hydrocarbon emission. At lower loads B30 blended fuel having higher NOx emission than standard diesel. The carbon monoxide emission is also higher than the standard diesel and B10 & b20 blends.


Mahua Longofolia, butyl ester, unmodified CI engine, performance, emission characteristics.


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Performance and Emission Analysis of an Unmodified Four Stroke Diesel Engine Operating with Extracted Mahua Longifolia Biodiesel and Its Blends. M.Muthuraj , S.Mayakannan, V.Rajesh, V.Jeeva Bharathi, R.Girimurugan. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 4. Pages 353-356.

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