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A Comparative Study Of Indian Mythological Management And The Modern Management


Rajesh Mehra


The eminent international authors and writers are propounding various management theories and principles from last 100 years which are being universally accepted by all management schools and businesses. These authors and writers are called the father of modern management principles and theories but there is a no. of historical and epic events and era in Indian mythology which proves that without the existence of principles of management the occurrence of those events were impossible. This research article has tried to find out the similarities between Indian mythology and modern management principles, functions and policies. Our religious and famous mythological books have been considered and the research shows that the functions and principles of management were present at that time in a broader way


Mythology, modern management


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A Comparative Study Of Indian Mythological Management And The Modern Management. Rajesh Mehra. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 3. Pages 294-295.

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