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Reactant Gases Velocity Distribution on PEM Fuel Cell with Different Landing to Channel Width of Flow Channel


T. Krishnamoorthi, D. Vignesh, J. Vengatesh, V.Kamal, R. Ajithkumar


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is an encouraging power breeding device with great efficiency, zero emissions and operating at atmospheric temperature and pressure. Different operating parameters like cell voltage, open circuit voltage, lumped anode resistance, membrane resistance, cell temperature, oxygen reference concentration, gdl porosity, gdl permeability, inlet oxygen mass fraction (cathode), inlet hydrogen mass fraction (anode), inlet velocity, outlet velocity, fluid viscosity, and the design parameters like rib width, plate width, gdl height, channel length, channel height, channel width, membrane thickness, and gas diffusion layer thickness etc. are governing the performance of the fuel cell. In this analysis, the effects of reactant gases velocity distribution at gas diffusion layer for different landing to channel width of flow channel were analyzed numerically. The entire three-dimensional models of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is modeled with a constant channel length of 100 mm and with dissimilar landing to channel width in mm of 0.5x0.5, 1x1, 1.5x1.5, 2x2. From the analyzed results, it was found that the PEMFC with landing to channel width of 2.0x2.0 mm yields better reactant gases velocity distribution at gas diffusion layer compared to other three designs. Also it numerical result shows that the smaller width of landing and channels are required for lower reactant gases velocity distribution at gas diffusion layer and smaller width of landing and channels are required for better reactant gases velocity distribution at gas diffusion layer.


PEMFC, reactant gases velocity, single flow channel, landing to channel width.


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Reactant Gases Velocity Distribution on PEM Fuel Cell with Different Landing to Channel Width of Flow Channel. T. Krishnamoorthi, D. Vignesh, J. Vengatesh, V.Kamal, R. Ajithkumar. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 197-200.

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