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A retrospective study on effectiveness of natrum sulph 6x for respiratorycomplaints in paediatric age as a supportive therapy
Dhanusree V A, Aswani S V, Abina Augustine, Aswathy A B, P R Sisir
For evaluating the role of homoeopathic remedy Natrum Sulphuricum 6X for the treatment respiratory diseases in paediatric population, a retrospective Evolutionary Study was done with a sample size of 30. Among sample of 30 paediatric respiratory cases,15 cases has been prescribed with Natrum Sulphuricum 6X along with constitutional remedy and 15 cases treated only with constitutional remedy. Among the 15 cases treated with Natrum Sulphuricum 6X as a supportive therapy, 12 cases shows marked improvement. Meanwhile 15 cases treated without Natrum Sulphuricum 6X, only 4 cases shows improvement. Natrum Sulphuricum 6X for respiratory complaints in paediatric age as a supportive therapy was found effective.
Respiratory complaints ,Natrum Sulph 6 x , Constitutional remedy
A retrospective study on effectiveness of natrum sulph 6x for respiratorycomplaints in paediatric age as a supportive therapy. Dhanusree V A, Aswani S V, Abina Augustine, Aswathy A B, P R Sisir. 2025. IJIRCT, Volume 11, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.