Paper Details
Creativity among Secondary School Students in Northern Kerala
Rasheed C P, Senthilkumar .K
The present study makes an attempt to examine the difference of creativity among secondary school students in Northern Kerala. Passi–Usha Test of Creative Problem Solving (1996) tool has been used by the investigators for the present study. This study was conducted with the sample of 636 secondary school students of Northern Kerala. Students’ creativity was analyzed on the basis of the select background variables such as Gender, Locale and Type of Management. The collected data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation (S.D), and 't' value statistics. The findings of this research indicate that, on average of creativity among secondary school students is prevalent. The findings revealed that the category of the secondary school students does not find significant differences in creativity when comparing students from different sub categories such as gender, locale and type of management
Creativity among Secondary School Students in Northern Kerala. Rasheed C P, Senthilkumar .K. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-4.