Paper Details
Structural Analysis, Material Optimization, and Seismic Safety of Sabhamandap Vault : A Case Study
Aditya Kabra, Dr. Gajendra Gandhe
The Sabhamandap Vault at part of the report, stands as an architectural and engineering marvel. This study focuses on the structural analysis, material specifications, and seismic safety of the vault. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was conducted to evaluate structural stability under gravity, wind, and seismic loads. Key materials such as lime, bricks, stone, and surkhi were analyzed for their performance and compliance with IS standards. Seismic safety was assessed using Finite Element Thrust Line Analysis (FETLA) to ensure resilience under earthquake conditions. The study highlights critical design parameters, provides an in-depth analysis of structural behavior, and proposes measures to optimize material usage and structural safety.
Structural Analysis, Material Optimization, and Seismic Safety of Sabhamandap Vault : A Case Study. Aditya Kabra, Dr. Gajendra Gandhe. 2025. IJIRCT, Volume 11, Issue 1. Pages 1-5.