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Isolation, identification and production of alkaline protease enzyme producing organism for the industrial application


Niraj Satish Thorat, Satishkumar Damodar Thakare


Alkaline Protease is a protein hydrolyzing enzyme which is most important among industrial enzymes and research widely. Proteases constitute 7ne of the third largest groups of enzymes in industry. They all used in all kinds of industrial situations such as pharmaceuticals, drug manufacturing, detergents, surface cleaning formulations, waste treatment, silver recovery, digestive supplement, leather industry, textile industry, agrochemical additives and diagnostic reagents. In present study of alkaline protease enzyme producing bacteria were isolated from 6 alkaline soil samples by screening on skimmed milk agar plates. Different biochemical tests are performed with reference to ―Bergey‘s manual of determinative bacteriology‖ all isolates belong to genus Bacillus. The enzyme was partially purified and different parameters for enzyme activity (Optimization temperature, pH and effect of ion concentration) were determined. This study also focuses on optimization of environmental parameters (temperature, pH, carbon source, nitrogen source etc.) for enzyme production from isolate.


Alkaline Protease, Bacillus, skimmed milk agar, Bergey‘s manual, Optimization temperature, environmental parameter.


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Isolation, identification and production of alkaline protease enzyme producing organism for the industrial application. Niraj Satish Thorat, Satishkumar Damodar Thakare. 2025. IJIRCT, Volume 11, Issue 1. Pages 1-11.

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