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Phyto-Formulation Assessment of Kalanchoe Pinnata Wound Healing Gel


Sakshi Santosh Mahalle, Vinayak Ashok katekar, Swati Deshmukh


Wound healing remains a significant clinical challenge, necessitating effective and safe treatments. Kalanchoe pinnata, a traditional medicinal plant, has been explored for its potential therapeutic benefits. This study investigates the wound healing efficacy of a gel formulation derived from Kalanchoe pinnata extract. Our results demonstrate that the gel significantly enhances wound contraction, increases collagen synthesis, and promotes tissue regeneration in a rat model. The gel's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to its wound healing potential. Histopathological analysis reveals accelerated epithelialization and improved tissue architecture. These findings suggest that Kalanchoe pinnata-derived gel is a promising topical therapeutic agent for wound management, offering a natural and effective alternative to conventional treatments.It has various other benefits which make it therapeutically usedfull


Rat Model, Properties, Investigation, Potential


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Phyto-Formulation Assessment of Kalanchoe Pinnata Wound Healing Gel. Sakshi Santosh Mahalle, Vinayak Ashok katekar, Swati Deshmukh. 2025. IJIRCT, Volume 11, Issue 1. Pages 1-8.

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