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Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth of India - A Comprehensive Study


Sunitha K. B.


India is a developing country, it is one of the largest and fastest growing economies of the world, but what has been the most troubling fact about its growth is that its growth is uneven and also discrete. So the need arises for inclusive growth comes in the picture of Indian economic development. However to attain the objectives of inclusive growth there is a need for resources, and for resource generation financial inclusion is required. It plays a very crucial role in the process of economic growth. The present paper focuses on to understanding inclusive growth phenomenon its need and financial inclusion as an instrument to attain it with reference to its extent in India. The research has been done using secondary data source. Analysis of natural hierarchical grouping cluster is done considering parameters like GDP per capita, literacy rate, unemployment rate and index of financial inclusion (Johnson R.A. & Wichern D.W., 2000).


Inclusive Growth &Financial Inclusion


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Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth of India - A Comprehensive Study. Sunitha K. B.. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 1. Pages 1-7.

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