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The Impact of Messaging Queues on Real-Time Data Exchange in Large-Scale applications


Rajesh Kotha


Large-scale applications rely on real-time data interchange to remain reliable, scalable, and perform well. Messaging queues provide the necessary solution to keep data flowing even when high loads or component failures occur, enabling asynchronous communication between services. This paper investigates the concept of messaging queues; it describes a few types, such as publish-subscribe and point-to-point systems, with examples taken from cloud-based solutions like Amazon SQS and RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, among other systems. It studies how they affect fault tolerance, scalability, and system performance, relating real-world examples from the financial, e-commerce, and Internet of Things sectors. The study also explores the general role of messaging queues in enabling modern networked systems and determines their importance in developing technologies. The conclusion stresses the role messaging queues already play within real-time systems and provides recommendations for further investigations, particularly about decreasing latency and increasing security in distributed environments.


Message queues, real-time message exchange, distributed systems, scalability, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, fault tolerance, asynchronous message exchange, Large-Scale applications, and microservices


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The Impact of Messaging Queues on Real-Time Data Exchange in Large-Scale applications. Rajesh Kotha. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 3. Pages 1-7.

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