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Tridax Procumbens And Its Wound Healing Properties- A Comprehensive Review


Mr. Pravin Rajendra Bendre, Dr. Amol Navanath Khedkar, Prof. Ms. Sujata Umakant Veer, Prof. Ms. Neha Sunil Garud


Tridax Procumbens is common medicinal herb commonly known as Coat Buttons or Mexican daisy. This herbaceous plant, belonging to the Asteraceae family, it is native to the Americas but has spread to various parts of the world. This plant majorly used for the medicinal used they are tradinal medicines of Indian.
The Tridax Procumbens are the species of flowering plant. The plant shown various pharmacologic activity like wound healing, antibacterial, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiparkinsons, antarthritic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, ant obesity, wound healing, analgesic, antifungal, antiarthritic, antihyperglycemic hepatoprotective, anti-helminthic, anticonvulsant and antioxidant. The leaf extract of Tridax Procumbens. Leaf powder of ethanol was used in this study. The leaf extraction was tested for the presence of tannin, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, protein. This review provides information on the traditional use and pharmacological actions.


Tridax Procumbens linn, Wound healing activity, flavonoids, tannins.


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Tridax Procumbens And Its Wound Healing Properties- A Comprehensive Review. Mr. Pravin Rajendra Bendre, Dr. Amol Navanath Khedkar, Prof. Ms. Sujata Umakant Veer, Prof. Ms. Neha Sunil Garud. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 6. Pages 1-10.

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