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Comparatively Study of Electrical Properties of As-Prepared and Annealed MgO Thick Films Developed by Screen Printing Method


Dr. Vinayak Vishram Kadam, Dr. Satish Damodhar Thakare


The annealing process is vital for optimizing the performance of metal oxide semiconductors in various applications, including transistors, sensors, photovoltaic cells, and transparent conducting oxides. Properly controlled annealing conditions can significantly enhance the material's functionality, making it suitable for high-performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. The annealing process for thick films is a thermal treatment designed to improve their electrical and other properties. The aim of present research work is to study the impact of annealing temperature on the electrical properties such as resistivity, temperature coefficient resistance and activation energy of MgO thick films. Films were prepared by screen printing method. Annealed MgO thick films typically exhibit higher electrical conductivity compared to their as-prepared films. This increase is attributed to during the annealing process, enhances charge carrier mobility. This study underscores the importance of the annealing process in optimizing the electrical properties of MgO thick films. The obtained results suggest that, the enhanced electrical properties of annealed MgO thick films make them suitable for various applications, including dielectric materials, insulators, and components in electronic devices.


Annealing, thick films, activation energy, conductivity, optoelectronic devices


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Comparatively Study of Electrical Properties of As-Prepared and Annealed MgO Thick Films Developed by Screen Printing Method. Dr. Vinayak Vishram Kadam, Dr. Satish Damodhar Thakare. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 4. Pages 1-7.

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