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Efficacy of ayurveda chikitsa in the management of sthoulya (obesity)


Dr Akhilesh Kumar Verma


Sthaulya (obesity) has become so common in the World's population that it is beginning to replace under nutrition and infectious diseases as the most significant contributor to ill health. It exacerbates a large number of health-related problems, both independently and in association with other diseases. Obesity, a major worldwide epidemic, is fundamentally caused by the intake of high caloric food and a modern sedentary lifestyle which results ingross energy imbalance between calories consumedand calories expended and also due to genetic pre-disposition (Kopelman,2000). When fat gets accumulated in the body, the person faces difficulty even in performing routine activities as it is associated with dyspnea on exertion, thirst, drowsiness, voracious appetite, sudden obstruction to respiration, body ache, excessive sweating and badodour from the body leading to decreased life expectancy(Prasadet al.,2009). Obesity, if left un attended leads to various major complications like hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes and some types of cancer (Kopelman,2000). The incidence of obesity is increasing veryrapidly. According to the World Health Organiza-tion, more than 13% of the world’s adult popula-tion was obese in 2016 (World Health Organisa-tion,2018). Six hundred million adults and around100 million children were obese in 2015 (Kishoret al.,2018). Ayurveda offers a range of formulations designed to manage obesity through natural and holistic methods. Key formulations include Navaka Guggulu, a blend of Guggulu and other potent herbs that enhance fat metabolism and support detoxification. Triphala, a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, aids in digestion and overall metabolic health. Kanchanar Guggulu, which features Kanchanar and Guggulu, helps reduce excess fat and supports thyroid function. Fenugreek and Cumin Churna are used in powder form to improve digestion and suppress appetite. Guduchi is valued for its immune-boosting and metabolic-regulating properties. Finally, Vasant Kusumakar Ras, a mineral-based formulation, supports metabolic function and helps with weight control. This article explores these formulations, their therapeutic benefits, and their role in a comprehensive approach to managing obesity.


sthoulya,obesity,ayurveda,navaka guggulu,kanchanara guggulu


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Efficacy of ayurveda chikitsa in the management of sthoulya (obesity). Dr Akhilesh Kumar Verma. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 4. Pages 1-9.

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