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Formulation And Evaluation of Polyherbal Lozenges


Nikita Shivaji Gawande, Prajakta Vasudeo Muthal, Shivani Ramesh Bhoyar, Dr. Swati P. Deshmukh, Swapnil S. Kawarkhe


Throat infections are most common disease in today’s world. Chronic sore throat can lead to serious throat problems, like Pharyngitis. Common respiratory tract infections such as common cold and flu cause symptoms like headache, fever, runny nose, congestion, and cough. Lozenges are solid preparations that contain one or more medicaments, usually in a flavored, sweetened base, designed to dissolve slowly in the mouth to yield a constant level of drug in the oral cavity and calm the inflamed throat tissues. The primary goal of this study is to prepare extract based lozenges using herbs like vasaka, ajwain, mint tulsi, ginger which are traditionally used to reduce cough and the other ingredients are honey and jaggery Which have soothing effect on the mucus membrane Of the respiratory tract. The fresh leaf juices of all the ingredients is used to prepare polyherbal lozenges. Although many Herbal and allopathic medicines are available, but they are not enough to treat all the Symptoms with a single formulation. The polyherbal lozenges Were evaluated for their physicochemical parameters such as weight Variation, thickness, hardness, moisture content, hardness friability, disintegration diameter and from the result it was revealed that all the physicochemical parameter for lozenges were within the monograph standard which are mentioned in GMP Guidelines. These polyherbal lozenges can be a useful, Affordable, and widely available treatment for minor throat infections.


Polyherbal, lozenges, vasaka, formulation.


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Formulation And Evaluation of Polyherbal Lozenges. Nikita Shivaji Gawande, Prajakta Vasudeo Muthal, Shivani Ramesh Bhoyar, Dr. Swati P. Deshmukh, Swapnil S. Kawarkhe. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 4. Pages 1-8.

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