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The Role of District Central Cooperative Banks in Driving Economic Growth and Development in Maharashtra


Dr. Giri Manisha Subhash


This study examines the impact of District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) on the economic growth and development of Maharashtra. It investigates the role of DCCBs in agricultural financing, rural development, and overall economic progress within the state. Utilizing secondary data sources, including DCCB annual reports, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) publications, and various state development reports, the study assesses the effectiveness, challenges, and contributions of these banks. The findings highlight that DCCBs are pivotal in promoting financial inclusion and strengthening the rural economy. However, the study also identifies significant operational and regulatory challenges that affect their performance, suggesting a need for strategic interventions to enhance their effectiveness and sustainability.


District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs), Economic Growth, Rural Development, Agricultural Financing, Financial Inclusion, Maharashtra.


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The Role of District Central Cooperative Banks in Driving Economic Growth and Development in Maharashtra. Dr. Giri Manisha Subhash. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 3. Pages 1-6.

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