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Fusion Music in Contemporary India: Exploring Cross- Cultural Collaborations


Dr. Rashmi Sharma


Fusion music in contemporary India stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, embodying a dynamic synthesis of diverse musical genres and cultural influences. This exploration delves into the burgeoning phenomenon of cross-cultural collaborations within India’s musical landscape, where traditional Indian musical forms intersect with global genres, creating new sonic textures and cultural narratives. These collaborations not only redefine musical boundaries but also challenge conventional notions of identity and authenticity in a rapidly globalizing world. India, with its rich tapestry of musical traditions spanning classical, folk, and popular genres, serves as a fertile ground for experimentation and fusion. Contemporary Indian musicians, both within the country and across the diaspora, are embracing this fusion ethos to craft innovative soundscapes that resonate both locally and internationally. This study aims to examine the motivations, processes, and impacts of such cross-cultural collaborations, shedding light on how artists negotiate cultural diversity while retaining authenticity and artistic integrity. Through detailed analysis and case studies, this exploration seeks to uncover the transformative power of music in bridging cultural divides, fostering intercultural dialogue, and promoting mutual understanding. By critically evaluating the complexities and nuances of fusion music in India today, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how music functions as a catalyst for cultural exchange and innovation in a globalized society.


Evolution, Motivations, Cross- Cultural Collaborations


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Fusion Music in Contemporary India: Exploring Cross- Cultural Collaborations. Dr. Rashmi Sharma. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 2. Pages 1-6.

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