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The Role Of Health Literacy In Managing Non-Communicable Diseases In Aging Populations.


Sami Abdullaziz Alkhamis, Feras Mohammed Al Mahmood, Fahad Ali Al Asiri, Abdulrahman Saad Al Zeer, Nayif Hussin Modahi


Health literacy plays a crucial role in managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in aging populations. As individuals age, they face an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Understanding health information and being able to navigate the healthcare system are essential for effectively managing these diseases. This essay explores the importance of health literacy in addressing NCDs in aging populations, examining how it impacts individuals' ability to make informed decisions about their health and access appropriate care.
By improving health literacy levels among older adults, we can empower them to better manage and prevent NCDs, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life.


Health literacy, non-communicable diseases, aging populations, chronic conditions, healthcare management.


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The Role Of Health Literacy In Managing Non-Communicable Diseases In Aging Populations.. Sami Abdullaziz Alkhamis, Feras Mohammed Al Mahmood, Fahad Ali Al Asiri, Abdulrahman Saad Al Zeer, Nayif Hussin Modahi. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 1. Pages 1-2.

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