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Implementation of Sustainable Practices and Green Products in Selected Cities of Gujarat


Heer Shah, Dr. Vilas Chauhan


Sustainable green economy is the need of time and green/ eco-friendly products can play a decisive role towards achievement of the goal. Business firms see green development as an opportunity to improve their marketing specialty rather than as a set of actions that must be completed. Green marketing adopts innovative techniques of product modification, dynamic product process, maintaining sustainability and diversified advertising. Due to eco-sustainable marketing practices, customer’s consciousness towards the use of eco-sustainable goods in India has increased. Sustainable consumption behaviour is consumers’ behaviour that improves social and environmental performance as well as meets their needs, it also studies what products consumers do or do not buy, how they use them and what do they do with them afterwards. Pro-environmental behaviour is observed when an individual is contributing to environmental sustainability by being aware in energy using products.
To understand how consumers, adopt eco-products, an extensive literature review of green consumerism was undertaken. The objective of this research paper is to assess whether the consumer is recognizing and effectively purchasing green products in retail. This paper aims to study the perception of consumers in relation to sustainable development practices. Primary data was collected through convenience sampling from the selected cities of Gujarat. The focus of the study is to provide insights to understand various parameters of consumer’s attitude towards purchase of eco-friendly products. The findings of the study revealed a significant correlation between the sustainable development practices and adoption of green products. Further, this study surfaced some major perceived barriers resisting the adoption of green products. Also, some important parameters affecting the purchase of green products are worth noting and do demand the immediate attention of green marketers.


Environmental protection, Sustainability, Sustainable consumption, Green products, Eco-Labels, Consumer perception, Perceived barriers


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Implementation of Sustainable Practices and Green Products in Selected Cities of Gujarat. Heer Shah, Dr. Vilas Chauhan. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 3. Pages 1-12.

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