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Community Media Persuasion for Rural Audience: Tuning in to Local Needs


Padmini Jain


This research paper presents a comprehensive survey conducted to evaluate the need, effectiveness and utility of a Community Radio Station (CRS) planned to be established at Sirsa, India. The study aims to understand the media consumption habits, socio-economic conditions, and specific needs of the local residents, as well as their attitudes towards community radio.
A random sample of 510 respondents from Sirsa city and its neighboring villages participated in the survey, which included 44 questions covering various aspects of media usage, community issues, and demographic data. Key findings reveal that while television remains the dominant medium, there is a significant presence of mobile phone usage with FM capabilities, indicating a potential audience for radio broadcasting. The survey indicates that pollution, water scarcity, and mosquito problems are the most pressing local issues, and there is a substantial interest in educational and health-related radio programs.
The results also show a promising level of interest and willingness among residents to engage with the CRS, both as listeners and participants. With 75.8% expressing interest in participating in radio shows and 70.2% interested in becoming Radio Jockeys, the data underscores the community's enthusiasm for active involvement.
This paper concludes that the CRS at CDLU Sirsa has a strong foundation for success, supported by community interest and a clear understanding of local needs. The findings provide valuable insights for developing targeted content and fostering community engagement, thereby enhancing the CRS's role in local development and education.


Community Radio; Media Consumption; Audience Engagement; Local Issues; Media Habits; Rural India; Sirsa; CDLU


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Community Media Persuasion for Rural Audience: Tuning in to Local Needs. Padmini Jain. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 6. Pages 1-26.

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