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Perceptions and Experiences of Respiratory Therapists in the Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Exploration


Ahmed A. Majrashi, Hashem F. Alsamannoudi, Mohammed B. Alshahrani, Nawaf A. Alnaam, Nawaf M. Al-Anazi


Respiratory therapists (RTs) play a critical role in the intensive care unit (ICU), managing patients requiring advanced respiratory support. Despite their importance, little research has focused on their perceptions and experiences in this high-stress environment. This qualitative study explores the challenges, stressors, and coping strategies of RTs in the ICU through semi-structured interviews with diverse participants. Key findings highlight the emotional toll, high patient acuity, and workplace stressors faced by RTs, alongside their coping mechanisms and professional satisfaction. Insights from this research can inform targeted interventions to enhance RTs' well-being and optimize respiratory care in critical settings.


Respiratory Therapists, ICU, Critical Care, Stressors, Coping Strategies, Patient Care, Workplace Stress, Professional Satisfaction, Respiratory Support


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Perceptions and Experiences of Respiratory Therapists in the Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Exploration. Ahmed A. Majrashi, Hashem F. Alsamannoudi, Mohammed B. Alshahrani, Nawaf A. Alnaam, Nawaf M. Al-Anazi. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 2. Pages 1-5.

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