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Perceptions of Rehabilitation Interns on the Transition from Interns to Practitioners in Saudi Arabia


Asiri Yasir, Al Amari Turki, Al Harbi Malik, Rana S. Alsaleh


This article explores the perceptions of rehabilitation interns in Saudi Arabia regarding their transition from internship to professional practice. It identifies the key challenges faced during this transition, including gaps in practical skills, professional identity development, and navigating the healthcare system. The study also highlights strategies to support interns in their transition, such as mentorship programs, enhanced clinical training, and professional development opportunities. By examining the experiences of rehabilitation interns, this article provides insights into improving the internship experience and preparing interns for successful careers as practitioners in the evolving healthcare landscape of Saudi Arabia.


Rehabilitation interns, transition, professional practice, mentorship, clinical training, Saudi Arabia


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Perceptions of Rehabilitation Interns on the Transition from Interns to Practitioners in Saudi Arabia. Asiri Yasir, Al Amari Turki, Al Harbi Malik, Rana S. Alsaleh. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 3. Pages .

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