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Examining the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Respiratory Therapists in Critical Care Settings: An In-depth Qualitative Analysis


Abdulkhaliq M. Alanazi, Ahmed A. Majrashi, Nawaf A. Alnaam, Mohammed B. Alshahrani, Salah B. Alanazi


This qualitative study investigates the ethical dilemmas encountered by respiratory therapists (RTs) in critical care settings through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis. Fifteen RTs from various intensive care units (ICUs) participated in the study, providing insights into their experiences and perceptions. The findings shed light on the complex ethical landscape of critical care practice, highlighting the challenges RTs face in balancing patient autonomy, resource allocation, end-of-life care, and professional integrity. The study underscores the need for support mechanisms and ethical guidelines to assist RTs in navigating these dilemmas effectively, ultimately enhancing patient care and professional well-being.


Ethical Dilemmas, Respiratory Therapists, Critical Care Settings, Cope Strategies, Mental Well-Being


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Examining the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Respiratory Therapists in Critical Care Settings: An In-depth Qualitative Analysis. Abdulkhaliq M. Alanazi, Ahmed A. Majrashi, Nawaf A. Alnaam, Mohammed B. Alshahrani, Salah B. Alanazi. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 2. Pages .

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