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Encouraging Independence Among Elderly Patients in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Strategies


Aseri , Yasir , Alharbi, Malak, Khafagi, M


This article examines the challenges and strategies associated with promoting independence among elderly patients in Saudi Arabia, specifically within the context of the MNGHA Riyadh Occupational Therapy Clinic. Cultural norms, familial expectations, and a preference for compensatory equipment create unique barriers to fostering self-reliance among elderly individuals. By understanding these cultural dynamics, occupational therapists can develop effective, culturally sensitive strategies to encourage independence. Key challenges include familial expectations of providing hands-on care, reluctance to adopt adaptive techniques, limited awareness of occupational therapy benefits, and infrastructural barriers. Strategies to overcome these challenges include culturally sensitive education, collaborative goal setting, empowering families, gradual introduction of adaptive techniques, and leveraging technology. Success stories from the clinic illustrate the potential positive outcomes of these approaches. The article concludes with recommendations for further research and policy development to support elderly independence in Saudi Arabia.


Elderly , Independence, Saudi Arabia, Occupational Therapy


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Encouraging Independence Among Elderly Patients in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Strategies. Aseri , Yasir , Alharbi, Malak, Khafagi, M. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 2. Pages 1-4.

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