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Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Correctional Settings


Yazeed M. Timraz, Malik J. Alharbi, Mohammed A. Khafaji, Yasir A. Aseri, Omar M. Alshamri


This research proposal aims to investigate the role of occupational therapy (OT) in correctional settings, focusing on its potential impact on inmate rehabilitation, mental health, and reintegration into society. The proposal outlines a mixed-methods approach, incorporating qualitative interviews with inmates and staff, alongside quantitative assessments of program outcomes. By reviewing existing literature and identifying gaps in research, the study seeks to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing OT programs within prisons. Ethical considerations, including informed consent and participant confidentiality, are carefully addressed. The expected outcomes include insights into optimal OT interventions for inmate populations, as well as recommendations for policy-makers and healthcare professionals. The potential implications of this research include improved inmate outcomes, reduced recidivism rates, and cost-effective rehabilitation strategies. This proposal underscores the importance of further exploration into the role of OT in correctional facilities to enhance rehabilitation efforts and support successful reintegration into society.


Correctional Setting, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Engagement, Vocational Rehabilitation, Physical Rehabilitation, Health and Well-being


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Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Correctional Settings. Yazeed M. Timraz, Malik J. Alharbi, Mohammed A. Khafaji, Yasir A. Aseri, Omar M. Alshamri. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 2. Pages .

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