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The Role of Occupational Therapy in Post-Amputation Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Study


Abdullah T. Altaza, Malik J. Alharbi, Turki M. Alsubaie, Zamil A. Alsubaie


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of occupational therapy in post-amputation rehabilitation, focusing on wound and stump care, phantom pain management, physical rehabilitation, and promotion of independence in activities of daily living (ADLs) through the use of assistive devices. The study will explore the impact of occupational therapy interventions on speeding up the rehabilitation process and preparing patients for prosthetic limb fitting. A mixed-methods approach will be employed, utilizing both quantitative data analysis and qualitative insights from patient experiences. Results will contribute to the understanding of the significant role occupational therapists play in post-amputation care and rehabilitation.


Occupational Therapy, Post-amputation Rehabilitation, Phantom Pain Management, Stump and Wound Care, Prosthetic Limb Training, Activity of Daily Living (ADLs) Training


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The Role of Occupational Therapy in Post-Amputation Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Study. Abdullah T. Altaza, Malik J. Alharbi, Turki M. Alsubaie, Zamil A. Alsubaie. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 2. Pages .

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