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The Use of Psychotropic Medications in The Treatment Of Depression: Efficacy, Side Effects, And Patient Adherence


Faisal Abdulaziz Al Saeed, Abdulrahman Saad Al Zeer, Fahad Ali al Asiri, Sami Abdulaziz Alkhamis, Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi


Depression is a widespread mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Psychotropic medications, which include antidepressants, are commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression. This essay examines the efficacy, side effects, and patient adherence of psychotropic medications in the treatment of depression. Through a review of current literature, this essay explores the varying perspectives on the use of psychotropic medications in addressing depression. The methodology involves analyzing research studies, clinical trials, and expert opinions on the topic. Results indicate that psychotropic medications can be effective in alleviating symptoms of depression, but they also come with potential side effects that may impact patient adherence. A comprehensive approach to treatment that considers both medication and therapy is often recommended. In conclusion, the use of psychotropic medications in the treatment of depression can be beneficial when carefully monitored and tailored to individual patient needs.


depression, psychotropic medications, efficacy, side effects, patient adherence


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The Use of Psychotropic Medications in The Treatment Of Depression: Efficacy, Side Effects, And Patient Adherence. Faisal Abdulaziz Al Saeed, Abdulrahman Saad Al Zeer, Fahad Ali al Asiri, Sami Abdulaziz Alkhamis, Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-4.

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