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The Effectiveness Of Vaccination Programs In Preventing Infectious Diseases: A Population-Based Study


Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi, Rakan Ali Alotruzi, Abdulrahman Khalid bin Abdulwahid, Yahya Saleh Alserhani, Turki Dhaifallah Alrukhaimi


Vaccination programs have been a cornerstone of public health initiatives for decades, playing a crucial role in preventing infectious diseases and reducing their burden on populations worldwide. This population-based study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination programs in preventing infectious diseases by analyzing the impact of vaccinations on disease incidence, transmission rates, and overall population health. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and analysis of relevant data, this study highlights the significant role that vaccinations play in protecting communities from the spread of infectious diseases. The findings underscore the importance of widespread vaccination coverage in achieving herd immunity and reducing the prevalence of infectious diseases in populations.


vaccination programs, infectious diseases, population-based study, effectiveness, herd immunity


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The Effectiveness Of Vaccination Programs In Preventing Infectious Diseases: A Population-Based Study. Mohammed Saad Nasser Alsenaidi, Rakan Ali Alotruzi, Abdulrahman Khalid bin Abdulwahid, Yahya Saleh Alserhani, Turki Dhaifallah Alrukhaimi. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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