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Assessing Community Resilience to Tourism-Driven Socioeconomic Changes: A Case Study of Selected Communities in Bihar and Jharkhand


Chandrashekhar Azad, Anand Tiwari


Tourism, while fostering economic growth and cultural exchange, can also disrupt local communities. This study investigated the resilience of communities in Bihar and Jharkhand, India, to tourism-driven socioeconomic changes. Community resilience refers to the ability of populations to adapt to external disturbances. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research assessed socioeconomic changes, evaluated community coping mechanisms, and identified factors influencing resilience. Findings revealed that communities with strong social capital and access to traditional ecological knowledge demonstrated greater resilience. The study recommends promoting sustainable tourism practices, capacity building, and community-based tourism models to enhance long-term well-being and resilience.


Community resilience, Socioeconomic changes, Tourism development, Bihar, Jharkhand, Sustainable tourism, Social capital, Traditional ecological knowledge, Adaptive governance


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Assessing Community Resilience to Tourism-Driven Socioeconomic Changes: A Case Study of Selected Communities in Bihar and Jharkhand. Chandrashekhar Azad, Anand Tiwari. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 1. Pages 1-5.

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