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Impact of Consumer Behaviour On Social Media Advertising


Parth Sarthi Gupta


This research study explores the impact of consumer behavior on social media advertising effectiveness, using a hypothetical scenario featuring a fashion retail brand, "Chic Trends," and its advertising campaign on Instagram. Through a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of campaign metrics and qualitative insights from consumer feedback, the study uncovers key findings and implications for marketers seeking to optimize their social media advertising strategies. The results reveal that Chic Trends' Instagram advertising campaign generated high engagement and reach, driving increased website traffic and conversions. Consumers responded positively to the authentic and relatable content, highlighting the importance of authenticity and inclusivity in social media advertising. Influencer partnerships proved instrumental in amplifying brand reach and credibility, demonstrating the power of strategic collaborations in driving engagement and brand affinity. Looking ahead, future research opportunities include exploring advanced targeting techniques, evaluating the impact of emerging platforms, and addressing ethical considerations in social media advertising. Managerial implications include leveraging data-driven decision-making, investing in content innovation, and prioritizing brand authenticity to maximize the effectiveness of social media advertising campaigns. Overall, this case study underscores the pivotal role of consumer behavior in shaping social media advertising effectiveness, offering valuable insights and actionable strategies for marketers navigating the dynamic landscape of digital marketing.




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Impact of Consumer Behaviour On Social Media Advertising. Parth Sarthi Gupta. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-13.

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