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Precision Working And Enhanching Efficiency With A 24-Inch Jigsaw Machine for Wooden Profile Cutting


Rajesh Barange, Hemant Dawande, Hemant Ghagre, Shriya Damedhar, Krati Bankhede, Shubham Deshmukh, Rita Sahu


Precision working and enhancing efficiency are crucial objectives in woodworking industries, particularly in profile-cutting operations. This paper proposes the integration of a 24-inch jigsaw machine into the wooden profile-cutting process to achieve these objectives. Traditional profile-cutting methods often suffer from drawbacks such as lack of precision, time-consuming operation, and high maintenance. By introducing the 24-inch jigsaw machine, this research aims to overcome these challenges and optimize the cutting process.
Through market surveys and analysis of existing profile-cutting machines, key limitations were identified, including inaccuracies in cutting, labor-intensive operation, and frequent maintenance requirements. To address these issues, the 24-inch jigsaw machine was designed to provide enhanced precision, efficiency, and reliability in profile-cutting tasks.
Central to the proposed solution is the utilization of advanced cutting technology and precision mechanisms to ensure accurate and consistent cuts. The 24-inch jigsaw machine incorporates features such as adjustable speed control, laser guidance systems, and automated blade tensioning, enabling operators to achieve precise cuts with minimal effort.
Practical implementation of the 24-inch jigsaw machine involved prototype development, testing, and optimization. Through experimentation with various wood types and cutting scenarios, the performance of the machine was evaluated in terms of cutting accuracy, speed, and reliability. Results indicated significant improvements in efficiency and precision compared to traditional profile-cutting methods.
Overall, the integration of the 24-inch jigsaw machine represents a significant advancement in profile-cutting technology, offering woodworking industries a cost-effective and efficient solution for achieving precision working and enhancing efficiency in wooden profile cutting.


Precision working, Efficiency, Profile-cutting, Jigsaw machine, Woodworking


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Precision Working And Enhanching Efficiency With A 24-Inch Jigsaw Machine for Wooden Profile Cutting. Rajesh Barange, Hemant Dawande, Hemant Ghagre, Shriya Damedhar, Krati Bankhede, Shubham Deshmukh, Rita Sahu. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-7.

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