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Exploring Data Protection Practices and Challenges among India’s Youth in the Digital Age


Vritika Vij


This research looks into ways by which Indian youth safeguard the privacy of their personal data on the internet. We looked into their understanding of data protection, the challenges they face, and how their prior experiences with online privacy issues have influenced their behaviour. This study is to investigate the difficulties and obstacles young people in India encounter in protecting their personal information online, as well as their understanding of data protection policies in the digital era. According to the research, a large number of young Indians worry about their online privacy and have worries about websites' ability to protect their personal information. Furthermore, they struggle to understand practical self-defense techniques. This report emphasises how crucial it is to teach youth about internet security and making certain that websites give strong data protection methods top priority. By tackling these issues, we can work to give Indian adolescents access to a more safe digital environment, encouraging confidence and trust in online platforms.


Data Protection, Indian Youth


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Exploring Data Protection Practices and Challenges among India’s Youth in the Digital Age. Vritika Vij. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages .

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